Monday, November 17, 2008

Food for Thought

I have had one of those food filled weekends that should be accompanied by some massive workouts. Well, I had some great meals and functions over the last four days and harldy logged any miles. My last two runs ended early due to low blood sugars. It's frustrating but I will get out tomorrow for 4. I hope to log 20 miles by Saturday. 2 swims and hopefully a bike ride by then too. Soon, against my better judgement, I may have to bring Madonna in to the wind trainer, unless I go get some warmer cycling gear.
I haven't yet filled out my Shiver race series application. I will do that before Thanksgiving. I will also make a few copies to keep in case anyone reading this has any interest. 5K with the option to do 10. Second Sundays at 11 for four months in a row is a great way to stay focused through the winter. There is also a great 5 miler the Saturday after Christmas. Missy's favorite thing about that race is the beer bellied old guy who runs it in a speedo! A sight to see!! I hope to get into that race, too. I'm guessing Wiggles will NOT be joining me for any of these!!
Any World Run Day participants get out for a walk this weekend??? Let me know.


Wiggles said...

Actually I plan on sprinting all of the shiver races in my big old brace. So take that Batman!

Big Tone said...

Next year. I know how much you like to run and bike anyway! Maybe we can do a relay triathlon once you heal. Right before you start school in the fall. We can get a swimmer, I'll bike, and you can run. It's a goal. There I said my peace, how's your mother. HAHA Love you honey.

Big Tone's Mom said...

Sure, dad and I walked around the stores Christmas shopping for most of saturday. A good workout, we were really tired afterwards.

aimeeg said...

Mike has been riding the exercise bike almost every day since World Run Day! Look at the inspiration, 4000 miles away:)

Go Big Tone!

Big Tone said...

great job, mike! Keep it up. Maybe you can be on our triathlon relay team.