Thursday, November 13, 2008

What do Jay Cutler (Denver Broncos QB), Team Type I (pro cycling team), Nick Jonas (duh!), and Big Tone have in Common??

Missy and I met with our newest favorite healthcare provider yesterday. Ralph is an NP and works in endocrinology. Not only is he an informative, casual, smart, caring professional, he is a triathlete! He took about an hour to get to know me and my Type I and started me on the Omnipod. The omnipod stores and delivers insulin from a plastic half egg shaped device that adheres to the body. It is controlled directly from a Personal Diabetes Manager, a PDA/remote control looking tool. This device also serves as my glucometer, machine used to check my blood sugar numbers, and is loaded with all my individual parameters for getting me back into range. I was successful at using this system yesterday. A nighttime low but Missy thinks it was my 10:00 popcorn snack! We're going to try and not have a snack and see where the numbers go. It's a bit of a process but, I believe, well worth it for a tighter control over the Type I.

I will be running and swimming today with the omnipod in full use. I will keep you all posted as to my results. I am expecting very good results! If you haven't guessed, those "celebrities" mentioned in the title are all omnipod wearing Type I diabetics. Maybe I'll get to be on the manufacturer's website??!!?? Go Big Tone!


Anonymous said...


Big Tone said...


aimeeg said...

Groovy new machine, almost as cool as an iPhone:) I hope the Omnipod proves to be a big success.

I like the changes to the blog, as well.

Go Big Tone!

Big Tone's Mom said...

I am all for making life a little easier for you.
Go sweetie

Big Tone's Mom said...

I'm sorry, I guess I shouldn't call you sweetie, it might ruin your image.

Big Tone said...

Haha. That's funny mom. My image might be suspect but certainly not for being called sweetie by my mom!
And thanks for noticing aimee on the changes...