Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Look, Bean, it's snowing!!

As I was just about to head out of the door for my run, I saw an odd site. A blizzard of snow and rain! On October 29th!! My first thought was of canceling the training I had planned. It was 40 degrees, snowing like crazy, we're headed for dinner in a few hours. I can take the day off. Then I realized that Type I never gets to take the day off. It doesn't get vacation, personal, sick, or snow days!! So I told Bean it was snowing, not raining, put on another layer, and cranked up the national anthem in my earphones to hit the trail. As I passed by the back dining room window, I saw a smiling Beaner marveling at the weather. I thought that maybe she was smiling because she was thinking, "Wow. There goes Big Tone. Running in the snow on a cold day because it is on his plan. Good for him!" I thought again and realized she was probably just smiling because it was snowing. Ha ha. Oh well, I'll take the "arctic" twinkle in her eye as a compliment anyway! As I always tell Missy, I take what I can get!
Happy birthday today to Big Tone's Dad. You're not getting older, you're just now older than mom! Ha ha. Hope you enjoy the day.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Muhls, Lions, Phillies, Eagles,Phillies

Swim run, swim run, swim run. I have been on a good streak of swimming 1K and running 5K. I really have come to like getting in the pool. Although I receive no points for style, I always time myself and continue to beat the previous workout's time. Aquatic Director Mike puts the pool timer on for me. I feel like I'm in the Water Cube! Ha ha. I've eliminated the side stroke and any laps with a back stroke. I've even taken the advice of Michele Y and have gotten a few laps in with a "freestyle". The run is still a steady workout for me. I even ran in the rain because I had it on the plan for yesterday. I even scared the heck out of Eddie S on the trail with his two dogs. Anyone who knows Eddie knows that is a funny scene! The blood sugar has been good too. Running is a great equalizer for eating what I want. Swimming, though, makes me famished!! Although I swim the same as Michael Phelps does in about 10 minutes (it takes me 30) I can understand why he consumes those huge meals!

A great weekend for sports if you're me. It started with the Muhls in a comeback win under the lights Friday night. Then off to watch PSU and the Phighting Phils simultaneously get the W. Josh rang me up for a great day at the Linc to see the Eagles win. We had a great time and we should do more of that, my friend! Home for a shower and comfy clothes with Missy and Bean to watch the Phils get sooooo close to the championship!! Go Big Tone and the Phils!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

M. Louise Ciccone, Bay City MI 1958

I am having a great week of training. I know that sounds conceited but there have been weeks or runs or other workouts that I haven't told you about! Ha ha. I am on a 1K swim 5K run per day week. I know it's only two days so far but I promise to do the same tomorrow! I feel good and have adjusted my run mix to help me get through Missy's loop with confidence and strength. My blood sugars are reflecting the good workouts, too. I can flat out knock this diabetes right out of the park ala Chase Utley in Game 1 of the World Series. Go Phillies!!!
Ok, my road bike has a name. Eric and Lisa confirmed the vote on CCD night (that would be adult CCD for those of you keeping score at home!). Madonna Louise Ciccone has reinvented herself many times over and she is old/used by pop culture standards. She is of Italian decent and has shown some serious commitment to fitness. When I rode my bike for the "very first time", I knew I was starting a new chapter in my life. Although I have never "vogued" while riding, I do live with a few "material girls". If you haven't guessed yet, my road/racing bike has a new name. I will call her Madonna. So if you see me riding Madonna, don't tell Guy or A-Rod, just say Go Big Tone!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

If I Could Only Reach Out and Give the Whole World a Hug

Just a quick post to alert the Big Tone Tri army of a couple blogs I've listed. Peter is a Type I diabetic that has surpassed his goals of becoming a triathlete and has moved on to train for 26.2. He is a true inspiration for someone with Highs and Lows. Also, since Big Tone's Mom and Sister suffer every day with it, Crohn's disease is part of my life. We've experienced it all from different angles but they have dealt with the physical pain. Our good friends next door have it in their life too. Please take a look at Tricia's site, The Family Crohn's, for her view on this terrible illness that makes for a whole other set of highs and lows that will keep you out of the water, off the bike, and no where near the road for days at a time. Go Lil Patrick tomorrow, we're thinking of you.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I Will Never Be Able To Out Work My Dad

Great 2 days of workouts. Friday was 8 miles on the road bike (still unnamed) then on to run Missy's 2 mile walk loop in the village. I was nervous since I said I was going to do that last week and was unable to complete. Fried chicken for lunch and the market and all, I finished very strong. I actually felt like I could have done more. Even celebrated with Don, my "biathlete" friend, after the homecoming game! Got up early Saturday with Steve and rode 22 miles on the trail. Blood sugar in check before. Yes, it was cold and yes, our toes were numb!! Felt great, though. I am sure Steve's legs are going to be fine, Michele!!! After, split a bagel with Missy and tasted some new market fudge and my blood sugar was still in check. I can flat out beat this diabetes! Ha ha...
World Run Day, rail trail style, is starting to grow with a few weeks left to join. Mom and I got our shirts. Steve and his team have theirs on order and Missy and Bean are right behind. Are you registering today???
Special note, hats (and gloves after this morning's ride!) off to Big Tone's Dad. There are too many lessons learned here to list. Way to go on the latest highpoint. You never fail to always do more and do it by never showing the lows. You never lost your hero status! Love you.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Earning the Cinnamon Buns

It was a slow week for training. I traveled 2 nights this week but managed a fitness center workout. Part bike and part treadmill. It's amazing how boring that is after so many months of outside biking and running. Also, I didn't log as many miles running this week and my body quickly seems to forget! No problem though, just have to hit the pavement. I had a nice ride with some partners last Sunday. Steve and Don joined me for part of my short township loop. We climbed a couple of nice hills. We all made it! Missy had cinnamon buns ready upon our return.
Take a walk outside this weekend. It's going to be nice and brisk!

Friday, October 10, 2008


The crisp morning air of autumn means two things; friday night lights with your favorite sweater on and long sleeves for the road bike! Today, my plan is to get in a 10mile ride backed up right away with a 2.5 mile run. Let's see if Big Tone can put 2/3's of the tri together at once.
To deviate for a post, you will notice the color of the text. I've been thinking about October being Breast Cancer Awareness month. A strong grandmother, mother, and the feeling of being responsible for an awesome little sister growing up. The most incredible luck with a lifelong partner in a wife/best friend/etc. Larger than anything in life, beautiful, intelligent, funny talented daughters. More female cousins and aunts than anyone in my graduating class(haha). Very close and endearing female friends. The priveledge of having a caring mother in law and grandmothers in law. An extraordinary number of coworkers(it's my industry!). The Hens. These are just a few "simple" statements about my life and the women in it. Breast cancer has touched EVERYONE reading this blog in some way shape or form. If you are reading it, be aware this month. Think of a survivor, a winner, or someone who came in close second to it today and everyday this month. Those of you who are battling breast cancer right now, please don't ever ever ever give up. You all have Big Tone's Tri Army behind you. I'll see to it that you do. Special call out to Aunt Kath, Carol, Aunt Patti, and Robin Roberts (Missy and I watch GMA every morning getting ready for work!). You're what this means to me. So Beat Breast Cancer, Save the ta ta's, Save Second Base, or a number of other rally cries that I've seen all over the place.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Not the End of a Streak, But the Beginning of a New One

Two days of rest this week so far but not by choice. I fell ill Sunday afternoon after the race (and a miserable Eagles game). I napped for 2 hours and woke up Monday morning with a terrible sinus infection. I say woke up loosely because I have very little recollection of Monday at all. After Missy dragged me to the doctor Monday night, he told me sinusitis and don't go to work on Tuesday and maybe even Wednesday. I know the voice in my head keeps telling me I'm invincible but this Type I helped to knock me back! I couldn't even think about working out Monday or Tuesday. I worked at taking in fluids!! Ha. Oh well, followed orders and was out on Wednesday. I went to work easy and had a decent day. An evening 3 miler at dusk (with my relector vest on) proved to be good medicine. I finished strong and felt even better. Know when to rest is my take away.
Wednesday was a bit of a disappointment in another area. After almost 2 full regular seasons without a loss, the volleyball team we follow dropped one in a 3 game match. Our fan base was sad but I say if you get knocked down seven times, you get up for the eighth! So to Beaner, T, Marissa, Col-B, Zoe, Maddie, and the rest of the team, get back up and show 'em what you got. You can do it!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

It's Not Fair, We've Got Mer(and she's trying to keep up with the Joneses!)

The morning after the big party was time to run/walk. Alex, Maggie, Patrick, Meredith and I ran a local 5K. Kiki and Missy walked it. Mom mom and Pop pop lead the charge at the finish with Wiggles, Bean, Jamie, Jakob, Nickolas, Pinot, Stoli, and Cabo. It was a beautiful morning to have a clear head and open up on the trail. I set a goal of 2 minutes faster than last week and I beat my goal. My dad had a clock on my start and finish and he had me beating it by 2:14. I was happy. The big winners on the day were Maggie and Meredith who came in first and second in their age group!! We were all so proud. All that food the night before and only one jello shot kept my blood sugar in check and fueled me to my goal!

Thanks for everyone's well wishes at the parade. We now have a Big Tone Tri Army wearing Diabetes bracelets!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

An Early Challenge to everyone (yes, that means you Don!!)

My wonderful sister has issued a challenge, per se. There is an event called World Run Day on November 9, 2008. It pretty much looks like if you register with, go out on November 9th and run, you get a t-shirt and bragging rights that you entered a run! My challenge to all of the Big Tone world is for each of you to participate. Let's start at 10:00AM on the Rail Trail behind my house. We'll have water and some refreshments for anyone who wants to do it. Run at your own pace, no clocks except for the ones on your wrist, and run your own distance. One mile is north and back from our house. It will be a great achievement for everyone!! Go here to see more details. It's $17.99 which gets you official designation and a T -shirt. Missy and I will spot the water and after run refreshments (we can talk about that later, honey!!). I hope to hear from lots of you that you're in (I hear Yo Miss! registering now because she could never back down from a challenge from Big Tone). It's a create your own event and we'll ALL be winners. Thanks, Aim...

First Saturday in October

I swam 800M twice this week. The first time was 24:47 and the second time was 23:30! I was pumped to see that I could pick that time and beat it. I have tried to work on my Big Tone Breast Stroke to make it more efficient. Aquatic Director Mike must think I am nutty if he ever sees me flailing in the water!! In anticipation of this weekend's 5K I have run our trail. I think I can beat my time from the Great Race by 2 minutes. That's my goal and I'm sticking to it. Dad, I will write down the time and give it to you. You can be my pace coach for Sunday!
Which brings me to another huge event coming up in our lives. The first Saturday in October for the last 17 years has marked the local Halloween parade. Most of you reading this blog know what this event means. For us, it's a chance to host as many family and friends as possible to show our tremendous pride in our community. We have a "once you're invited you're always invited" philosophy, too. Some kids in the area have spent every halloween parade at our house! Missy and I absolutely love (and stress pre-party!) to have everyone over. It's a good chance for us to see how far our love reaches. Mom mom's chicken noodle soup and cookies, Grammy's chili, Uncle Smokey's jambalaya, Missy's Jello shots via syringes, Victor's pizza, Kiki's mac n cheese, and a host of other special treats everyone brings will fill us all (and there are never leftovers!). So, Happy Halloween Parade weekend everyone and, remember, Go Big Tone!