Friday, May 29, 2009

Take a Deep Breath

One of the rare instances where Aimee is right, I have not updated in almost a month. That's because the streak lightening fast month of May always gets the best of us, tri training notwithstanding. Ok, since we last left our "heroes", we saw the Eagles play hoops at MHS. Bean got all the autographs and Mike H. chatted up Hank Baskett sitting in the stands. I bet he asked him about Kendra. Brent did a great job! We celebrated Bean's 14 and Sports 20. Bean just keeps getting smarter and funnier and Sports is getting older and more mature-ish. We are proud of both of them. We honored all the mother's mid month. I am very proud of mine and my kids! They are honor worthy every day of the year. Cabo has been in and out of trouble for the last few weeks. I felt he was having a good day a week ago or so and left him out of his crate while I ran the trail. He left me a living room nearly full of furniture stuffing upon my sweaty return. Thank you for that, Cabo! The four of us plus one attended Memorial Day weekend at the Jones Resort. Always a lot of fun. Boating, swimming in their lackluster 3 waterfall only pool, and seeing fine people we usually only see once a year made for some great memories. See picture.
On to training. While in the not so deep south, I donned my wetsuit and swam 1/2 mile upstream with Capt. Patrick and his first mate Missy watching my every stroke. There were lots of them. 30 minutes of fighting like a salmon! Much different than the MHS pool with it's pretty little black stripe on the bottom for measure and lack of a current. I finished that and hopped on the bike. Good experience to recall for tri day. I have been biking and running a bit. Good workout the other day. 10 miles to the Rappo's and back and a mile by foot on the trail. I didn't feel whipped at the end. I will keep that up for the next few weeks and try to find another swim venue at least once. I have had a few bikes and runs where my blood sugar has dropped. Not a pretty scene. Thankfully, there are coke cans and sports beans always within reach. Well, almost always, right Missy?? They will go in my saddle bag first thing.
Please please please join my in raising some money for the American Diabetes Association on JUNE 3rd, WEDNESDAY, AT MARGARITA'S IN MUHLENBERG FROM 5:00 - 7:30PM. I will be the "celebrity bartender" for the happy hour. All my tips from the shift will be donated to diabetes as a fundraiser for my Tri for Diabetes. I hope to see many many Big Tone Tri Army soldiers there so we can drink, be merry, laugh with friends and family, and do all that for a good cause.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Run to Inspire, Inspired to Run!

I kind of wish there were 8 days in a week since I put myself on a schedule to train into the event, 8 weeks from this weekend! Most days are days with double event routines. A lot of it is building up the run. 60 minutes of running the week or so before the event. 2 weeks before the event, Sunday's workout is 30 minutes of all three. But the secret to preparation is strength training. I do like lifting weights. We have a nice dumbell set that all four of us use in one way or another. Of course, Sports brought a few up to the living room over Christmas break and they are still there. The weather, too, is helping. I have been able to get some nice spring runs out and around the church. I appreciate all the Go Big Tone's (thank you Eric). My weakness is finding time to swim. I can get to the school at 6AM on a Monday and Wednesday but that has been rather challenging. I think that if I continue to double up the bike/run and swim when I can I'll be ok. Also, over Memorial Day weekend, I'll be taking my Aquaman getup to the Chester River for some boat supervised open water swimming. I can already hear the peanut gallery comments! I already got to try out the cold water, though. The Y pool was open a few weeks ago and Steve and Michele said I should give it a go. 55 degrees and no audience would give me a good experience. Well, I tried to do that on my own but luckily Michele hadn't left because she had the nightmarish chore of helping me zip my suit up!! Oh the things people do to help out Big Tone. Thank you for that!!
The Type I has not really gotten the best of me lately. I have been able to properly fuel on the day of a run which really helps. There were a few nocturnal hypo events which wipes me out in the morning. That is just one aspect of the diabetes that I cannot seem to master. Missy is always there to make sure I get what I need. What would I do without her.
Sports is home and so is Cabo. He will be here for the summer. I kind of like having him around. Oh, and her too! He will either learn a few things or make a few enemies in our house. The jury is still out. I plan on running a little energy out of him every day.
The weather says to all of you, get out and walk/run/bike/skate/or whatever makes you smile. And as always, Go Big Tone...