Thursday, November 27, 2008

Give Thanks for All Things, both little and big.

Happy Thanksgiving. I am truly thankful for each of you who read this site and continue to motivate me. I owe you all. Enjoy your family and friends.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Calendar Can Be a Great Equalizer

These are the times where vacation days, colder mornings, guests over to our house, and just plain laziness can easily take priority over running. It tests your mind and your body. I am proud to say that Cabo and I did a mile on the trail this morning before my long list of things to do today. He is a funny dog. He went out slow but back I kind of struggled to keep up! He obviously did not read the site to know that this one miler was for him to spend energy but for me it is just a warm up!! I hope to get out before the turkey tomorrow.
As far as the calendar goes, now Dad isn't the oldest in the house. It's my mom's birthday today. Happy birthday Mom. I hope you enjoy your day.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Team Big Tone Gets Furry

I added a running partner. He will be part time though since he lives in California (PA that it!). Wiggles came home for the turkey break and so did Cabo. Cabo is a 6 month old shepard/beagle/potluck from the Western PA Humane Society. He is full of energy and loves all of Pinot's and Stoli's toys. Our dogs seem to have forgotten what it means to be a puppy, too! My plan was to help spend some of his energy on the trail every morning. Well, he woke at 5:30AM and drug Wiggles to the living room. I took him on the trail around 7:30 and he did well! I hope we can build up to a mile before he leaves. I wonder how far we'll go over Christmas break?? Jaimye came home to break some bread and turkey with us. Our first college friend for the holidays! We are all looking forward to a great week.

Speaking of the turkey meal, I am looking forward to earning the calories with swim/run days this whole week. Monday was only 36 laps and 1.5 miles (work got in the way!!). Today I ran 3 on the trail after getting the dogs to the spa. Off to swim. I am going to try the full mile. Again tomorrow before my annual wine shopping trip with Don. We look special with those little carts getting the seasonal reds for the holiday!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Treadmills? We don't need no stinking treadmills!

4 straight days of snow flurries and I was looking for a little break. Bean suggested I run on the treadmill. I appreciate her continued support and motivation. I ran Friday inside on the treadmill. I now know two things. One, I need to give up eating at the farmer's market for lunch on a day I must run after work. Too many foods that seem to "linger" when I try to get a pace going. Second, inside running is boring. I did make a value oriented purchase at TJ Max. I got a Nike cold mock neck and long running under pants (60% off retail!). Now I can handle the cold and avoid the treadmill. I am sure that the cold winter rain will, at times, keep me inside. But, I am willing, able, and forced (thanks to Bean) to go outside. I can't wait for the Shivers!!
Also, I gave the omnipod another whirl on the arm and I am getting better results. I think I may have discovered a few things about handling this Type I. Everyday, we seem to get better at tweeking my needs. I am really looking forward to getting my lab tests in a few months. I have all the soldiers in the Big Tone Tri army to thank for that. I really do hold myself accountable to this site and all of you. Hearing from my mom that she keeps walking and taking my dad. My brother in law on the bike at the north pole is great to hear, too. I had a low the other day but sucked back swedish fish and some cranberry and drug Missy out for a 2 miler through the village in the cold dark snow. Jackie says Don is energized by his morning runs and has dropped a few along the way. All these stories really do get my butt out to run. So keep them coming. I get bored quick! And, as always, Go Big Tone!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Like a Deer Caught in a Bike Reflector

Boy is it getting cold! Frost on the window, a dusting of snow on the fringes of the trail, and Bean has to wear a jacket in the morning. I set out today to see if I could get a three sport day in. Well, I swam 50 laps at the pool this morning. I really liked it. No problem getting through it. I even swam several laps freestyle, just to try and impress Michele Y. Still mostly breastroke, though. I get into a rhythm and I can sustain. I actually finished the 50 laps in a better time than my first 40 lap time from a month ago. No records on the M pool wall, though! Ha The closest I will come to that is my swim cap!!! A late afternoon trail ride was on my mind. Fergie and I set out to race the big heat lamp that rises in the east. From Stone Cliff at the edge of the little city to Blue Marsh and back. 12 miles round trip. It said 37 on the car thermometer when I left. I purchased a blaze orange t shirt to put over my layers because biking through the forest in October and November requires it. I looked for the blue herons Missy and I enjoy watching during the summer but there were none in sight. Actually, the cold creek seemed still and lifeless for most of the ride. Then, around a bend, she stood majestically. Her breath was visible in the late day air. A rather large doe stood in the middle of the trail about 20 yards in front of me. I slowed to avoid startling it (although I don't think she had the same consideration for me!). She trotted to the thicket in a cavalier manner as I rolled passed. Seeing a deer in the wild like that is something I've seen many times but it still provokes a certain awesomeness! I finished my ride with no other animal sightings. When Missy got home, we took a 2 mile walk in the dark through the village. It was closer to 3o and we bundled up. Margarita's sandwiches and cheese fries for our celebration of exercise! So I swam, biked, and walked today. I feel good. Also, having a great diabetes day. Well past the super highs from the weekend. Missy did remind me this morning that when I started the other pump years ago, it took a few weeks before normalcy set in. I am sure to sleep well tonight.
Thanks, Mom, for reporting on your exercise on your shopping trip. Keep dragging Dad out with you. You didn't mention, though, where you shopped. Any hints??? ha ha

Monday, November 17, 2008

Food for Thought

I have had one of those food filled weekends that should be accompanied by some massive workouts. Well, I had some great meals and functions over the last four days and harldy logged any miles. My last two runs ended early due to low blood sugars. It's frustrating but I will get out tomorrow for 4. I hope to log 20 miles by Saturday. 2 swims and hopefully a bike ride by then too. Soon, against my better judgement, I may have to bring Madonna in to the wind trainer, unless I go get some warmer cycling gear.
I haven't yet filled out my Shiver race series application. I will do that before Thanksgiving. I will also make a few copies to keep in case anyone reading this has any interest. 5K with the option to do 10. Second Sundays at 11 for four months in a row is a great way to stay focused through the winter. There is also a great 5 miler the Saturday after Christmas. Missy's favorite thing about that race is the beer bellied old guy who runs it in a speedo! A sight to see!! I hope to get into that race, too. I'm guessing Wiggles will NOT be joining me for any of these!!
Any World Run Day participants get out for a walk this weekend??? Let me know.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

What do Jay Cutler (Denver Broncos QB), Team Type I (pro cycling team), Nick Jonas (duh!), and Big Tone have in Common??

Missy and I met with our newest favorite healthcare provider yesterday. Ralph is an NP and works in endocrinology. Not only is he an informative, casual, smart, caring professional, he is a triathlete! He took about an hour to get to know me and my Type I and started me on the Omnipod. The omnipod stores and delivers insulin from a plastic half egg shaped device that adheres to the body. It is controlled directly from a Personal Diabetes Manager, a PDA/remote control looking tool. This device also serves as my glucometer, machine used to check my blood sugar numbers, and is loaded with all my individual parameters for getting me back into range. I was successful at using this system yesterday. A nighttime low but Missy thinks it was my 10:00 popcorn snack! We're going to try and not have a snack and see where the numbers go. It's a bit of a process but, I believe, well worth it for a tighter control over the Type I.

I will be running and swimming today with the omnipod in full use. I will keep you all posted as to my results. I am expecting very good results! If you haven't guessed, those "celebrities" mentioned in the title are all omnipod wearing Type I diabetics. Maybe I'll get to be on the manufacturer's website??!!?? Go Big Tone!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wow wow I love the French French!

Just a quick post with an update on our little World Run Day event. I told you we were sending off a nice check to American Diabetes Association. Well, here it is. The total will be $250! Incredible effort from our small group. What does everyone think of that? Don't answer yet. Through a conversation with my boss, she reminded me of a common practice for big corporations of matching gifts. They will match our donation for diabetes education and research to the charity! With our current state of affairs in corporate America, I am proud to say that the company I work for does this kind of thing for it's employee's causes. Go SA!

Here is the World Run Day website link that highlights the Temple Run/Walk. Be proud. I encourage you to forward it along to someone you know. Let them know you got out and exercised. Tell them about the Big Tone Tri's for Diabetes army that you are now all a part of. Let's make a difference. Thanks again to all the participants.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

...and the whole world ran

World Run Day 2008 in Temple was a smashing hit! 27 participants on the trail total. I have to admit, when my sister told me she saw the run day website, I figured I could brow beat 3 maybe 4 people to come run with me today. Up until yesterday, I still thought it would be a low key "event". I was up super early this morning with excitement like Christmas morning when I was like 8 years old (ok, my mother, father, sister, and wife are all saying, yeah right, 8!! Try every year since you were 8). Missy made some great monkey bread, we had waters, bananas, a Y fruit tray, and sticky buns from Jim and Donna on the way. My mom even unintentionally had Diabetes Awareness Month swag from the grocery store! We had a nice moment you see in the photo on the same front steps where there are usually fireworks, parades, and beers. Not today, we were setting out for exercise and community spirit. Just like every single one of my runs/rides, we first listened to the Star Spangled Banner. Then, as one unit, we were off on the trail. A handful of runners (way to go Steve, Don, and Coach Tom) and plenty of walkers. I was so proud of each of them. It was a beautiful November morning and everyone enjoyed coffee and refreshments for an hour or so after. I was so happy we could do something for fitness and charity. We will be sending a nice check to the American Diabetes Association. Normally, this is where I say Go Big Tone. This time, take a deeper breath before you read this one to yourself. Go Missy, Bean, Mom, Dad, Diane, Don, Jackie, Ryan, Kev, Brad, Dexter, Steve, Patty, Bon Bon, John, Kathy, Jolyn, Lisa, Coach Tom, Dan, Ginny, Liz, Jean Louise, Thomas, Milo, Pinot, Stoli, Jim, Donna, Zeb, Wiggles, Jaime, Cabo (those 3 out west!), and, as usual, Big Tone. Thanks.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hope and Change

I have come to enjoy swimming, although the pool water and pool area was a bit chilly on Monday. Another 1K swim and 5K run day. I always feel good about myself when I can combine two workouts into one day. I feel like it helps me to combat any breakfast/lunch and then dinner. I haven't had too many lows in the past few weeks. In addition, in the last week, I've downloaded a web app onto my iphone to track all my diabetes markers. Blood sugars, shots, meals, and exercise have all been loaded into my application. I can even email it to my doctor (thanks mom and dad for the gift that keeps on giving!). And after a little BigTone like run in with a certain set of doctors, I will be seeing a new one next week for the installation of an insulin pump. It's called the Omnipod and it's tubeless and wireless! I am very much looking forward to changing the way I take medicine and tightening control of my diabetes all with a more efficient way of taking on this training. I will post about the pump on the day it's officially in. I hope this change is a good one and life with diabetes gets better and easier for everyone. I'm sure Missy will be happy about that one.
With election day gone, I want to congratulate all the winners. They have important jobs to do. They should ALL be on the lookout because the Big Tone Tri's for Diabetes Army will be checking on them and keeping them accountable. Go Big Tone and the USA!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hey, Mon! Pass the dutchie from the left hand side...

Good run followed by a canceled rec swim on Friday. I will have to take that up with Aquatic Director Mike tomorrow. Big day for training on Saturday. Missy and I were headed to Chestertown for the Olympic Themed costume party. Missy dropped Madonna and me off at the Anchorage, the Jones wedding place, and we rode into town. 24 miles of pure road bliss. Anyone who's ever ridden a road bike would appreciate this ride. It seems flat in the car but a nice rolling rural highway with a super wide shoulder. Very safe. She and I "got into the groove" and I could feel the burn. My competitor was the sun and "like a prayer", we rolled into the Jones resort in time greeted by Patrick and a beer! Perfect ending to a super sweet workout. I could eat all throught the party without affecting my blood sugar and woke up Sunday morning at 90. I love when that happens.
Wiggles came home this weekend. A nice surprise for all of us. Everybody got a chance to see her and do the things we like to do together. She and I watched tv together and laughed out loud, too loud. Bean and she went to see HSM3, just like all the other 6 year old girls. Ha ha. Mom mom and Pop pop got to take them both to eat. Grammy and Pop pop even stopped by on Sunday. I think Pop Pop Al wanted to see Cabo! Missy was just happy that she was around. Thanks Wiggles.