Saturday, September 20, 2008

Swimming with the Swedish Fishes

So I got in the pool for the first time this week. Let's just say that Aquatic Director Mike didn't arrest me for foul strokes! I did 3 sets of 2o0M with a minute break in between. Not a bad workout for the first time. I even wore a cap and goggles. I'm glad there wasn't anyone else in the pool! I mixed it up with freestyle and breast stroke, Big Tone style, and a few side stroke laps. I think I can do the swim part as long as no one takes away points for style.
My run workouts this week weren't that great. The beginning part of the week was nice with a 4 miler then a 3.5 miler. The rest of the week had me crashing into a low that caused me to have to walk briskly home for some cranberry juice pick me ups! I should know better by now but I don't. I plan on taking better care this week for my runs since I have the Pittsburgh Great Race a week from now. As for my blood sugar in the pool, I knocked it out just fine with some swedish fish!
Special thanks to Janel L. I got a "Go Big Tone" from her this week on one of my better runs. That definitely helps me out there.


aimeeg said...

Sweet. I would think it would be the toughest to get going with the swimming, so that's awesome that you already started it. You can always come and take a swim in our "pond" up here:)

Go Big Tone!

Big Tone said...

I would need quite a wet suit and thermal cap!

Wiggles said...

I have a Megan Bauer swim cap up in my room if you want to wear that for some motivation! She'd yell go Big Tone.

LaneCrew said...

Well, you are quite welcome Big Tone!! I was so excited to see you running! Keep up the great work! You are going to do great! :0)

Doomsday said...

Big Tone, This such an inspiration to read every time i pop on.
I can't wait to see the end result.
Very proud to be a part of adventure and your family. We will all see you at the traditional Halloween parade.
The Roses