Sunday, June 21, 2009

The final leg, the very wet US Open, and a day for dads

I pretty much acted like I deserved some kind of day of doing nothing. I started the day by having coffee and bagels with the paper and all four of us at the dining room table. That, by far, is my favorite thing to do. We chatted about the movie we saw yesterday, how good the french toast bagel was, and whatever it was that Sports does on a Saturday night. No thoughts or talk of a triathlon. Went to see my folks before lunch. More Sunday talk and off to our favorite restaurant. I had the pulled pork and a couple of IPA's. Good stuff. Hardly the meal of any athlete. We visited with Missy's parents to watch some golf. That was fun with no running water (funny story for another time. Just ask and I'll tell it to you sometime). Barely a mention that there was some great feat of endurance only 6 days away. I did get to tell my dad why I think he's the greatest one on the planet. I told him he ALWAYS made himself available to me as a dad and that, above any other quality, is what I hope to come close to in fatherhood myself. That quality should be considered by any dad who might read this. Thanks, Dad.
My point here is that some of my own training and a whole lot of encouragement from you soldiers in the Big Tone Tri Army is what got me here. This will be my last post before the race. I plan on 3 days of workouts, 2 days of rest, and one of complete fun and accomplishment for all of us. To remind you all, I know I will be one of over 2000 people to complete a triathlon in Philadelphia Saturday morning and I will not set any records. But my goal of being a triathlete and teaching our two daughters to set goals and reach them, no matter how far out they seem, is the most important thing of the day!
For a few thank you's; Mom and Aimee, thank you for all the constant posts. As I have said, I read them always and sometimes more than once. It has made a bigger difference than you will probably ever realize. For all the non-posters but true readers, your comments of "I read the blog today. Great job" or "I just caught myself up with the website. Keep it up" have added fuel to my fire. For my Missy, you complete me (no sappy Jerry Maguire jokes here, please). You defintiely propel me through everything I do. And lastly, Sports and Bean. More than anything, I hope to inspire you to be the greatest you can be and that is defined not by money, trophies, or conquests but getting out and just making a difference in the world. No matter how small or large. I've always got your back.
I will update after the event and hope the story will be grand! Remember, they call the person who finishes the triathlon last a triathlete.
Go Big Tone.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful Father's Day doing what we fathers enjoy, spending time with family! Good luck this week and congratulations on sticking with your commitment! We are all proud of you and your mission!

aimeeg said...

There are people in California, Montana, West Virginia, Iowa, and a bunch of other random places that you have never even met that will be silently cheering you on next weekend. And that's because I have been beaming with pride so much that I can't help but tell everyone I know what you are doing and how awesome you are. You have no idea how many people you are inspiring.

I know I won't be there in person, but will be thinking of you next Saturday.

I am so, so proud to call you my brother.

Go Big Tone!

LisaMack said...

Best of luck this coming weekend. We will be cheering you on from here. Go Big Tone !!!

Big Tone's Mom said...

There are very few words I can say right now but a few of them are "how proud of you I am" words can't describe what I am feeling.
GO BIG TONE, we will be there, our hearts pounding with pride waiting to tell you how awesome you are. remember it isn't winning that counts.
Love you

kitchu said...

I wish I'd known about your blog a long time ago- I got all choked up reading this post- you sound like an incredible person and one amazing dad. My sister is a long time triathlete who inspires me daily and I've only had the privilege of watching her compete once (raising money for ovarian cancer research)- her attitude so mirrors what you've written here. I will definitely be cheering you on and be checking back to see how it went. There is NO feeling like crossing that finish line, no matter where you do it or in what time. I've done one big race in my life (a 15K)- and I was crying across that finish line I was so happy. Took me forever to get there, but wow- what a feeling.


and many blessings this week in the final stretch of training and prep!

Michele said...

You are an inspiration to others. Best of luck with the final training and I'm sure you will do wonderfully. Aimee is sure lucky to have a great brother in you.

Cari said...

Best of luck in the triathalon!! I really admire you -- I'm sure you'll be awesome!! What an amazing accomplishment this will

Cari (online friend of Aimee's)

Anonymous said...

Keep up the great work and thank you for doing what you are doing.

Jackie said...

Tony, I am so excited for your big day and sure wish I could be there to see you cross the finish line. Don will be there to represent the Botch clan. Whether you realize it or not, you actually mirror Ryan by accepting this challenge you set before yourself and practicing day after to day to achieve your goal. It's never been easy for Ryan to accomplish the easiest of things, but before you met him, and as he was learning to walk, talk, run, and play, etc., we cheered him on at each milestone.....big or small, much like everyone has done for you these past months. Whatever he competes in, he's not in it for the glory and that's the feeling I get from you. You set a goal, and now you are going to reach it. You inspire me like Ryan does. I am so very proud of you. We all are proud of you. Go Big Tone!

Jen & Bill said...

You are inspiring! Go Big Tone!

"M2" said...

Best of luck!
Go BIG TONE!!!!!

Big Tone's Mom said...

Wow Big Tone, these tributes are what motivates you and everyone else. You aren't only doing this for yourself but for all of us too.
Love you

Yoli said...

Go BIG TONE!!!!! We are all rooting for you!!!

Lauri Bruno said...

We send our love, support, and a very loud "Go Big Tone"!!! You can do it!

BIGdaddy said...

I know I don't post here as often as I should, but know that we are always thinking of you and what you have accomplished already. You are an inspiration and we couldn't be more proud of you and what you are doing. The goal is to complete what you have started and finish. In life's race, you are already a "tri athelete"

Unknown said...

Good luck Big Tone! I'm sure that you will do quite well. See you soon!

Donny B said...

Looking forward to Big Tone's Big Day in the Big City. GO BIG TONE!!!

Unknown said...

Thinking of you lots on this Tri-Eve:)

You will do great tomorrow, I am sure of it. This has become so much bigger than a triathlon--you doing this tomorrow has inspired people to go for all kinds of goals.

A huge Tri-Army will be cheering you on tomorrow, both present and absent, but all beaming with pride.

Love you, big brother!

Go Big Tone!!!!!

dreamer said...

Aimee just mentioned you had a great race, congrats! And best wishes in your continued support of a great cause.

I lost my Aunt to diabetes when she was in her 30's, her's was a serious case and a few decades ago they didn't have as many options as now. Sadly still not enough.