I have been working very hard to follow the 10K training plan. When I get off the schedule, I have made sure to substitute and get back on. I had a good eating/drinking weekend last weekend but still managed some good workouts. 60 minute cross train including Madonna inside and treadmill. I felt great! I really love to get in that type of pseudo 2 sport work. I glided from the bike, to the treadmill, to the dinner party at Mark and Blythe's! Spicy cream of crab soup and champagne. Oh boy! Painting took up my day Sunday before the grand Ocscar's party Sunday night which brought more eating and drinking!! I got the 5 miler in on Monday before class(I picked up my 86 on the mid term!). Wednesday, I had some minor surgery which has slowed me down a bit. Rest day and a failed bike day. That's where the low blood sugar came in. Oh well, good treadmill workout today on a solid glucose. I happened to watch our First Runner in Chief address some marines in South Carolina. I did pause my workout to respect our country's national anthem! I also loved seeing the 100 or so marines get up in one motion for the anthem and be seated when their boss told them they could in one motion as well. Thank you to all our brave military personnel. Go them and go Big Tone.
Two asides for this week. Don is hurt and has not been able to keep with the "let's beat the old shirtless/white gloved man" in the 10K plan. He has a painful heel injury. I can understand. So with or without him, I will run. Maybe for the both of us. He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Speaking of brother, Lil Tone, you know I always have your back. Love you.