Friday, February 27, 2009

40 has to be a better age than a blood glucose level

I have been working very hard to follow the 10K training plan. When I get off the schedule, I have made sure to substitute and get back on. I had a good eating/drinking weekend last weekend but still managed some good workouts. 60 minute cross train including Madonna inside and treadmill. I felt great! I really love to get in that type of pseudo 2 sport work. I glided from the bike, to the treadmill, to the dinner party at Mark and Blythe's! Spicy cream of crab soup and champagne. Oh boy! Painting took up my day Sunday before the grand Ocscar's party Sunday night which brought more eating and drinking!! I got the 5 miler in on Monday before class(I picked up my 86 on the mid term!). Wednesday, I had some minor surgery which has slowed me down a bit. Rest day and a failed bike day. That's where the low blood sugar came in. Oh well, good treadmill workout today on a solid glucose. I happened to watch our First Runner in Chief address some marines in South Carolina. I did pause my workout to respect our country's national anthem! I also loved seeing the 100 or so marines get up in one motion for the anthem and be seated when their boss told them they could in one motion as well. Thank you to all our brave military personnel. Go them and go Big Tone.
Two asides for this week. Don is hurt and has not been able to keep with the "let's beat the old shirtless/white gloved man" in the 10K plan. He has a painful heel injury. I can understand. So with or without him, I will run. Maybe for the both of us. He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Speaking of brother, Lil Tone, you know I always have your back. Love you.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hey, That Guy Started at Mile 2.5!!! And he looks like Steve O!

Don and I are fully and one hundred percent committed to doing the 10K on March 8. He told me so the other day via email. I kept it so I have proof! We are even on a plan. 3 miles yesterday, 40 minute crosstraining, 3.5 miles, etc. He said he has has heel pain but I think he's just trying to make me feel good since after the last 5K he had to feed me Amstel Light, ibuprofen, and an ice pack. I'm glad he is definitely going to do the 10K in March. That will force me to focus on having a training schedule. Thanks, Don!
The cortisone shot Dr. Z gave me last week seems to have worked. I won't know for sure until I get a couple of outside runs in but I think the worst is behind me. I have another appointment with him next week for another possible treatment. Sometimes the cortisone can spike a Type I's blood sugar. I have had only one issue with that in the past but not this time. Come to think of it, this time I am wearing the pod and had no issues with blood sugar. Ralph must be on to something! Missy also has me counting points for a diet. It's not easy but results are imminent. A lighter leaner Big Tone can only be faster! Ha
Mid term tomorrow. Biggest exam I've ever taken. It's only Anatomy and Physiology!! Well, if you see a geeky looking fellow carrying a big back pack on the way to the Health Services Building across from the museum, don't laugh, just yell Go Big Tone.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Nice and Easy, Weezy.

With our second Shiver by the River behind us, Don has set a new goal. He wants to run the 10K and beat the old man wearing no shirt and white gloves. That is a hearty goal since my heel is now officially injured. I am taking a few days off of action completely. I also will be seeing a doctor to make sure he doesn't think it's in need of something other than rest. I can't afford too much time off. I already registered for the Tri and my parents want to scholarship me a wetsuit! Forging ahead seems to be the theme this week so I will get on that train!
Speaking of doctors, I did see Ralph for the first post pod check up today. All is well and he gave me a gold star. We needed to tweak a few numbers on the pod but he feels the diabetes is being smacked down by our efforts! That always makes me happy to hear. So, 10K is the goal for March (and beating the shirtless/gloved man), hop on the bike and in the water for some non-impact cardio, get sized up for a wetsuit, and try to stop the aging process. 3 out of 4 won't be too bad. Go Big Tone.
Special thanks again to the Army for their Sunday showing. Especially when my foot almost beat the rest of me, it helps tremendously.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Do you think Achilles liked the color blue?

I ran outside in the cold(Yes, Marcy H, ran!) on Tuesday. It wasn't the cold that got me. There was even some snow falling. I had a decent pace going and went 4 miles. By the end of the run, a little old heel pain starting to present itself. I have worn inserts for an old heel spur/ligament damage for almost a year with no pain. When I returned home and took off my running shoes, I saw why my foot hurt. The color of my inserts and the color of the inside of my running shoes are the same and I got dressed with no lights on! I didn't even realize there weren't any inserts in. The rest of the night and all the next day, especially the next morning, I was in 8-9 range pain. With my inserts in, a day of rest and a few doses of ibuprofen, I think I'm ok. I got back on the treadmill today for 30 minutes and did well. Those 36 hours made me nervous because I can't afford to be too injured to swim/bike/run. I will attempt an outdoor run tomorrow and give the Shiver a go this Sunday. We are expecting some springlike weather, near 50!
I have my first post-Omnipod checkup with Ralph next week. I'll be sure to post the results. I really expect my numbers to have moved in the right direction.
Missy told me I got my tri race shirt in the mail today. What do you think? I don't think I should wear it until I can be called a triathlete, though. Plus, Missy doesn't usually let me wear white shirts. Oh well, it'll be good for a 4th of July party. Go Big Tone.