Sunday, September 20, 2009

Early to Bed and Early To Tri

Today was the Marshman Creek Triathlon. A 1/4 mile swim in Marsh Creek State Park Lake, a 12.5 mile bike up and down the hills of Chester County, and a 2 mile trail run up and back. Sounds simple. Actually, by comparison, it was!
This was Kiki's big day. She was "inspired" at the Philly Tri to complete an event like a tri. She was so enthusiastic. She started swim class, borrowed a bike from Uncle Kip, and swore she was never running again. The J Clan Van rolled into town around 8PM and Missy had dinner just about ready. Shrimp pasta for our carb load. They brought a marianted London Broil which was great. Our plans to be in bed asleep by 10 with a full belly was delayed a little bit but definitely in bed by midnight. Great news unless you were meeting everyone for the caravan to the tri at 5AM! Missy and I loaded into their car and met the ever supportive Big Tone's Mom and Dad who dragged Missy's parents along this time. They seemed sure a triathlon would be an event worth watching! The reason for leaving so early was to avoid walking the 1.5 miles from overflow parking down to the lake where the tranisition area as located. My biggest conern for the morning.
Upon our arrival the air temperature was around 50 degrees and the lake was shrouded in fog. With the fishing piers and the fog, Missy likened the scene to a horror flick. She's always coming up with those "comforting" thoughts. Thanks, honey. Ha Our first obstacle was the fact that Kiki did not bring her ID to check in. I had to vouch for her with the event people. I told them almost everything about her that I know! They gave her the race packet anyway. She seemed calm but surely was a bit nervous. Our next concern was getting in line for our "biologic stop". A line of 2 dozen port o potties is a great place to bond with other triathletes. The looks of nerves, the odd pre race routines, the smell of said port o potties, and the sounds of racers vomiting to ensure they are at proper race weight. I chose to pick a different stall than vomit boy in front of me!
The National Anthem was great. I just absolutely love hearing that song before any workout or race. I know I've said that before... I eased into the water with a little trepidation. The water temp was actually warmer than the air temp which was kind of weird. The last thing I heard from our crowd was from my dad. He said, remember, one stroke at a time. I was just hoping and telling myself not to panic, breath too quickly and enter into the same state of mind and body as the near death experience as my last tri. Well, he had a point. When I started, I just kept telling myself to find a rhythm and take one stroke at a time. I got out to the first bouy and wasn't breathing hard or feeling like I would need a kayak break. As I turned at the first bouy towards line towards the swim out, I spotted Missy's PSU sweatshirt and my mom's breast cancer fleece. I tried to wave big enough for them to see me but small enough so I wouldn't seem like I was in distress to the life guards. They saw me and I felt pretty confident. I spotted a blow up light house by the swim out and just "Ashley B"-coached breast stroked to the end. My goggles were very foggy and I could barely see the swim out. Despite my visual impairment, I could still make out the outline of Big Al on the shore! He's really not that hard to spot! I called out to him just so he could see me since they really had no idea where I was and I saw him turn around and look back. Later, he told me I thought something happened and I had to quick the swim and I was behind him. Silly, Al, there's no quit in Big Tone.
I waited in the transition area for Kiki to finish. She did great! She finished her swim in just about a minute quicker than me. We headed out on the bike together and were determined to finish as a team. Our biggest obstacle on these hills was not the incline but the cold. Wet and in the shade, our fingers felt fronzen and cold toes in wet socks made it a bit uncomfortable. We pressed on. Except for Kiki chatting it up with other cyclists on the first of the return hills we pushed on to slice 10 minutes off our bike time from last weekend where we gave it a good dry run. The run came and went without a hitch. We ran to the hill, walked up the hill, got some water at the turn, and ran to the finish. It felt great. We were very happy. The fans were absolutely great. We got high fives from everyone. I couldn't believe how much better I felt compard to the last time. My only goal was to be strong enough to help Kiki on her first tri adventure and I think I did that. As for the diabetes, my blood sugars were great too. 183 after the swim and 146 after the bike. No worries there. I had some sports beans on the way out to the run just for good measure. My mom was there to take my trash. Just like I was 8! Ha
So thanks for all the pre race well wishes. Thanks to our crew at the race. It means a lot to see familiar faces when you are streaming by. And thanks Kiki for making my tri year fun, challenging, and rewarding.
So, what's next for Big Tone? Stay tuned...Go Big Tone.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Raise your hand if you missed the blog.

Tri day has come and gone and so have many many days of summer fun without working out. The day after the Philly Tri I committed to compete with Kiki in the Marshman Creek Tri on Sept 20. I thought I could get 8 weeks of swimming workouts in, plenty of biking with Don, a few more 5K's, and lose 20 pounds to look good in my wetsuit. Here's what actually happened. I got Ashley B(my official favorite B) to give me some stroke tips and only really worked in the MSA pool about 6 times in those 8 weeks. I biked with Don a few times. He started biking to work(way to go Don. Good for you and good for the green cause) and I got a flat the first time out on an early morning ride. Missy came to pick me up in her pj's around 6:30AM. She is a trooper. I ran a few 5K's, including one for Crohn's Disease that was held at the beach in OCNJ. See pic. This was special because of the cause and the beach. I ran for my mom, sister, and Lil Patty. They struggle with a disease that can really keep them from running a 5K day on sick days. I loved smelling the sea air for the entire run. It was on that weekend we spent the last of the summer with Sports and we all had a great family weekend. Thanks for coming Mom and Dad. My mom got the race shirt and she has worn it a few times with pride, as she should. I also ran a 5K called Thirsty Thursday. You run a flat 5K on the trail and finish at a bar and your number gets you one free beer. That's all we needed to hear for Don and I to run. Well, he ran, and did well in the 90+ degree heat and humidity. I mostly ran, walked a bit, and was glad not to pass out from the over exertion. The beer was good and cold though! That pretty much sums up my training so far.
Sept 20 is rapidly approaching and I need to be strong to support my long time friend, Kiki. She was moved to register for this event while watching the Philly Tri with the Big Tone Tri Army. She is a solid woman with a great family. Patrick and the kids are huge fans and they will get a good show next weekend in Downingtown. So, I staked out the bike course, which I heard was "hilly", so I could tamp down Kiki's fears. Well, her fear is real. These hills are way more than the Cecil to Chestertown ride she has the ability to train on. I get to ride through some valleys to prepare so they weren't as shocking. Plus, although I set no land speed records, my absolute favorite part of swimming, biking and running is climbing a good steep hill on Madonna. I don't know why, it's just gives me a rush. I made the loop a week or so ago and found myself smiling pounding the pedals up the mile 9 of 11 climb. I hope I can provide Kiki the same support she gave me on the day of the Philly Tri.
Oh, and I didn't lose the 20 pounds either. We have been to the beach so many times, happy hour'd a bunch and survived a week with Aimee in town that included a world tour of restaurants of home where we had to have consumed 25000 calories! My pants still fit but I doubt I will be included in Tri Magazine calendar shoot in my wetsuit.
The Bean started high school, Sports is on the downhill side of college, the NFL is officially started and Missy has already pulled her winter muckluk pj's from the attic so training time will be limited. Remember everyone, don't let "life" get in the way of exercise. Set winter goals. Football and holidays are most definitely going to include calories so put burning calories in your day.
And when you wake up next Sunday, give a little shout out the window for Go Big Tone and Kiki...

Monday, July 13, 2009

"Tri" to get out and exercise today!

After a week off and trying to underwhelm my calendar, I was back in the pool last week. I think I may have a target for a swim instructor. I wear the family swim cap to try and channel their energy so I think I'll try to trick them into thinking I could teach them to bike if they teach me to breath in the pool! We went south for a quick trip. Mom and Dad got to meet all our MD friends. Even went on the boat and picked crabs. While we were there, our tri team grew in size. Kip, Karen, and Meg are now interested in competing. I think that sounds like a need for a team jersey!! I'm thinking Red and Black (both our girls college colors; ha ha Beaner!!).

In case you were thinking you should quit worrying about how you might look in a bathing suit and just picked cookouts as your event of choice, read this entry by Peter, another diabetic triathlete from Canada. He volunteered to be a guide for blind participants in a triathlon recently. I guarantee you that if you cut and paste the link into your browser and read the entire post, you will most certainly find time to do some sort of athletic activity today and the rest of this week. Thanks Peter.

Go Big Tone and the Tri Team!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

There's no "I" in TEAM and no "QUIT" in BIG TONE

Saturday in Philadelphia brought the end to part of my journey. I finished the Philadelphia Insurance Companies Sprint Distance Triathlon in 2 hours 46 minutes. That is how the story ends. Let me help you all understand how it went.
Friday was a busy day. Lunch with the girls and my mom before Kiki, Missy, and I went to pick up numbers. Traffic and a market stop only allowed us to get there around 5. I was hoping for 3. My numbers were ready along with the other 1800 racers (I was one of 1800. Not sure how many others had a blog and as big of an army behing them!). I thought this scene would make me nervous but I officially got excited for the race. We saw Ralph and his family. They seemed ready, too. We were supposed to get home in time for a nice pasta meal. That turned into a 9:30 pick up of Victor's pizza. It was good but not what I planned. Only then did I start to gather my gear for the race. I stuffed my backpack with as much gear as I thought I would need. Then out to attach the bike rack on Kiki's car, in the dark. So much for a relaxing evening before the big day. Bedtime turned out to be around 11:30. I was shooting for 9...
Saturday's alarm sounded at 4:30AM but Missy and I were already awake. I put the bike on the car, my parents arrived around 5 and we all piled into Kiki's car on our way by 5:30. Smooth ride to the event with a bit of a wait to park. I listened to a playlist I created the day before. My parents caught me listening and going through my swim bike run routine. I even removed my hat for the star spangled banner. Everyone was loose as we walked down to the transition area. I had to use the facilities no less than 3 times pre race. I still wasn't nervous. About 1 hour before I would set out for the swim I got my wetsuit on. I got in the river for a warm up. The water was pleasant but the current was more swift than it looked. I still felt good. I said my goodbyes to my team/confidence/fan club. All the racers gathered by wave, off to the side of the transition area, each in their different colored swim cap. I was in the bright yellow group, a bunch of over 200lbs guys aged 40 or more wearing wetsuits. Quite a sight to say the least!! Pre race national anthem was next. It was at this point I thought I was receiving my last bit of motivation. The singer was a 12 year old girl named Emily who had just kicked brain cancer. She sang live and beautifully. I nearly cried, of course, but I added the Let's Go Muhls at the end and I figured that if a 12 year old girl could beat cancer then sing to a couple thousand strangers, I could certainly finish this race. It was about an hour wait til our group was next. As I entered the water, the timer warned us to be careful because they were pulling people out more than other years and that the lifeguards were saying it seemed like you were swimming uphill. Thanks for the motivation... I got off to a decent start, for about 50M. I got tired almost immediately and switched from breaststroke to side stroke. The current was way stronger than I initially thought. Also, I really wasn't prepared for the bumping, kicking and groping by all the other swimmers. It prevented me from finding any kind of rhythm. It took all I could muster just to advance myself on the course. I flipped over to my back in a sculling stroke. From that position, at least I felt myself catching my breath. I was taking in water the whole time, too. My breathing was labored. I was only around the 200M mark and I was spent. I looked around at all the other swimmers having trouble, too. There were a few being pulled out by the lifeguards. Some were hanging on to kayaks which is legal as long as you don't advance yourself on the course with aid. I alternated between sculling on my back and side stroke and I felt the end coming. This blog, my sister from far away, the fundraising people, and the entire community went through my mind. I thought, at least I tried. Everyone would understand that it was very hard and at least I tried. But just when I felt like I was getting no where and it might be time to admit defeat, I spotted a look out area by the bridge. There were a lot of spectators standing and watching. The area kind of looks like the Kelly's Lock lookout, if you're from here you know what I mean. Sports and Bean surprised me that morning by making brightly colored t shirts and used paint to make them say Go Big Tone. Out of the corner of my foggy wet goggles, I spotted them. Then I saw my mom in the bright pink shirt she was wearing. From there I could piece together the rest of the group(Missy was wearing a new grey underarmour tank; strangely, although I was nearly drowning and ready to quit a race I've prepared for nine months to do I remembered everyone's wardrobe!). It was then that between deep gasps for air I could hear a familiar chant. One that has been self created and necessary. There were at least a dozen people yelling "Go Big Tone!!" They somehow spotted me with binoculars. They even got another family there to support their triathlete to yell for me too. I gave them half a wave and turned towards them for the side stroke. It was at that moment I realized I was not in this alone. I didn't deserve to decide to remove my swim cap and get pulled out by the emergency people on boats. That wasn't fair to them, to you, to anyone who has said Go Big Tone in the last 9 months. Yes, I was struggling but with their cheers I knew I had to finish the event. I wish I could say that the rest of the swim was easy and I flew to the finish but that was not the case. The current was strong but I used their enthusiasm to fuel my determination. As I passed under the bridge towards the turn bouy, I could even hear my dad yell, "You're almost half way there!" It brought me back to when I could hear his voice at the playground across the railroad tracks when he would yell for me to come home for dinner. I got to the bouy expecting it to get easier with the downstream. There was another guy who looked stronger than me but quite disoriented. He was swimming dangerously off course around the turns. I stopped to flag down a guard in a kayak to let him know I thought he was asking for help. I got into a decent downstream kick which lasted for about 200M. I was breathing hard but at least I was advancing. I peeked a few times to make sure I was still on course. Then the current stopped helping me. Throughout the whole time, I think I must have been taking on water more than I thought. By the time I got to the J turn with nothing left but a 100M cross river to the finish, it became difficult to breath and I felt like I could vomit. I summoned a kayak and treaded water with a float to catch my breath. Two other swimmers did the same. The female athlete said to us, let's swim to the next kayak 50M away and then surge to the finish, which was another 25M. We set out together. I guess we all felt like there was a strength in numbers! I had a decent breastroke rhythm going cross stream. The other two were headed to the kayak but I didn't want to stop. I just wanted out of the water. I got to about 25M from the finsish. That is the distance from one side of the pool to the other. One lap! I was out of breath and starting to panic again. I actually had a thought that I now understand how people who know how to swim drown. A guard on a kayak spotted me and threw me a line. She was able to put me back into a straight line to the finish. I stayed there for a few minutes. She told me I only had one surge and that I could do it. I set off and focused on the volunteers waving everyone in. To the very last stroke, it was hard. Very hard. I longed for the black stripe at the bottom of the pool.
My next worry was the folks watching for me to emerge. Missy told me she was worried and a little confused. Confused meaing how could it possibly take that long to swim that short loop?? Ha ha. When I got out, I saw her. I gave her what I though was a big smile and a hearty thumbs up just so she knew I was ok. The pictures we reviewed afterwards revealed a different story. She told me later that I looked spent. I found my bike, checked my blood sugar (it was on the high side which is exactly how I wanted it), and changed for the ride. I was in no hurry. I forgot a towel to do some drying off but since I was nearly alone in the transition area, the guy next to me had a towel out. I'm sure he didn't mind me using it! I got Madonna and headed to the right out of transition. Too bad for me that the bike out portion was to the left of transition. Once my disoriented self figured out I was going the wrong way I was ok. I got to see everyone when I started the bike. I kept telling them I was ok and I could still get this done. They were cheering loudly and giving me confidence the whole way. Taking pictures like I was Jordan or Armstrong. It, once again, fueld me. I heard Missy say there were more fans further along. After a block or so I saw my parents sitting with Patty and Bon Bon. They, too, fueled me with some Go Big Tone's. The first two miles of the ride were slow and I needed to shake that swim. Once I made the first turn up and over the bridge, I found a groove. I loved the ride. I took in the sights and even got up over 30mph on the downhill. I spotted the girls and gave them a high five before I made the turn to the second loop and told them I was having fun. The second loop was fun, too. I dismounted with my group right there for more encouragement. I got my running shoes, grabbed some water and found my way to the run.
Here's where I thought it would be easier. Just a flat 5K in the sun seeing the city nearly the entire time. Once I got my legs under me I started to pick up speed. However, when by breathing accelerated, I began to cough and that vomit feeling came back. I will spare you all the details of the items I was eliminating with those coughs. So, I ran, then walked. Actually, Marcy, you would have said it was a jog. I did this to the turn and then some. Every time I started to run, I would have to cough up more river water. My legs felt great and my mind was positive. It was my lungs that were preventing me from going faster. Then I spotted the familiar stride of our good friend, Kiki. She hopped onto the course to walk with me. She was concerned because of the time. I told her about the coughing and the water. She guided me in, like the air traffic controller would talk in a plane full of people. She pointed out a spot where I could finish with a good stride and everyone was there to receive me. I got to the spot and took off.
Nine months of training, over 60 blog posts, 2 successful fundraisers, and a whole lot of Go Big Tone's were behind me and only the finish was in front of me. I finished a triathlon! That was my goal, for me, for the girls, and for everyone who supported me. I told my group that the ONLY thing preventing me from giving up after about 200M in the water was their presence and support. I meant it. I hope they all realized that.
Cold water and a change of clothes made for an easy tranisition back to normal. We made the trek back up to the Expo area in the park. I had a couple of ice cold Amstel's and the triathlon experience was over. A great celebration dinner at Austin's and an early turn in. The only injuries were sore feet and a few blisters.
Once again, thank you to everyone. For everything. From beginning to end. I truly appreciate it and want to share my accomplishment with you all.

September 20, 2009. Downingtown. With Kiki. Go Big Tone (times 2)!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The final leg, the very wet US Open, and a day for dads

I pretty much acted like I deserved some kind of day of doing nothing. I started the day by having coffee and bagels with the paper and all four of us at the dining room table. That, by far, is my favorite thing to do. We chatted about the movie we saw yesterday, how good the french toast bagel was, and whatever it was that Sports does on a Saturday night. No thoughts or talk of a triathlon. Went to see my folks before lunch. More Sunday talk and off to our favorite restaurant. I had the pulled pork and a couple of IPA's. Good stuff. Hardly the meal of any athlete. We visited with Missy's parents to watch some golf. That was fun with no running water (funny story for another time. Just ask and I'll tell it to you sometime). Barely a mention that there was some great feat of endurance only 6 days away. I did get to tell my dad why I think he's the greatest one on the planet. I told him he ALWAYS made himself available to me as a dad and that, above any other quality, is what I hope to come close to in fatherhood myself. That quality should be considered by any dad who might read this. Thanks, Dad.
My point here is that some of my own training and a whole lot of encouragement from you soldiers in the Big Tone Tri Army is what got me here. This will be my last post before the race. I plan on 3 days of workouts, 2 days of rest, and one of complete fun and accomplishment for all of us. To remind you all, I know I will be one of over 2000 people to complete a triathlon in Philadelphia Saturday morning and I will not set any records. But my goal of being a triathlete and teaching our two daughters to set goals and reach them, no matter how far out they seem, is the most important thing of the day!
For a few thank you's; Mom and Aimee, thank you for all the constant posts. As I have said, I read them always and sometimes more than once. It has made a bigger difference than you will probably ever realize. For all the non-posters but true readers, your comments of "I read the blog today. Great job" or "I just caught myself up with the website. Keep it up" have added fuel to my fire. For my Missy, you complete me (no sappy Jerry Maguire jokes here, please). You defintiely propel me through everything I do. And lastly, Sports and Bean. More than anything, I hope to inspire you to be the greatest you can be and that is defined not by money, trophies, or conquests but getting out and just making a difference in the world. No matter how small or large. I've always got your back.
I will update after the event and hope the story will be grand! Remember, they call the person who finishes the triathlon last a triathlete.
Go Big Tone.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Rounding third...

Less than two weeks away from the big event and I'm still feeling nervous and excited. I have been on a steady bike, run, bike/run workout schedule for the last few weeks. I still haven't gotten down to see the actual swim start but I will before the big day. Finally I have entered and begun using a temporary basal profile for my omnipod while I am working out. This seems to make for better Type I results. Also, I really think my blood sugar needs to be around 200 the morning of the race at start. That will really keep having a low off my mind.
Once I get through this week, I will have to begin somewhat of a taper. I will put Thursday and Friday of next week in as rest days with short workouts for the beginning of the week. I will be expecting some Tri mail this week. My "Athlete Information Packet" should come today or tomorrow hopefully answering some logistical questions.
Other than that, keep the cheers coming. Go Big Tone.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Fighting Diabetes One Beer and a Slice at a Time!

Mario, Pizza Man as he might be known around town, agreed to let me get behind his bar to work for tips for diabetes. I was hoping for some family and friends to come in and give me a hard time and tip a little more generous than an average cocktail at a random bar. That was my hope. What developed last night at Margherita's was an incredible example of community and awareness and friendship. We had more than 50 people stop by for a beer or camp out for the whole event! It was a lot of fun, although I prefer to be on the stool side of the bar. I don't think I made too many order errors. My mom and dad even drank a shot. Aimee, you won't even know them when you see them in July!! Ha ha
The big story of the evening was the generosity. The total donation amount is over $700 counting tips and donations sent prior!!! This community can really rise above an occassion. The American Diabetes Association will put these funds towards education and research so that our families, friends, neighbors, and strangers with diabetes can better live with the disease and strive to find ways to eliminate it. Every single person that contributed to the event should beam with pride. Thank you all very very much. I will compete with all of you in my heart and my mind on June 27 because together we make the difference, not just on our own.
So, when you see the news tonight and read stories of terrible events happening all over neighborhoods everywhere, think of this. Just like in the tv show, Happy Days, our town has an Arnold's. A place where we all can go and feel comfortable and loved. A locally owned gathering spot that our kids can go and we feel safe. It's a place where if there's a cause to rally behind, we know where to meet. Everyone was there last night. Arnold (see pic), Mr and Mrs Cunningham, Richie, Potsie, Ralph, Fonz, Joanie, Chachi, and the whole community. Just like the tv show made us feel good about what we watched, we all got that feeling last night.
Go Big Tone.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Take a Deep Breath

One of the rare instances where Aimee is right, I have not updated in almost a month. That's because the streak lightening fast month of May always gets the best of us, tri training notwithstanding. Ok, since we last left our "heroes", we saw the Eagles play hoops at MHS. Bean got all the autographs and Mike H. chatted up Hank Baskett sitting in the stands. I bet he asked him about Kendra. Brent did a great job! We celebrated Bean's 14 and Sports 20. Bean just keeps getting smarter and funnier and Sports is getting older and more mature-ish. We are proud of both of them. We honored all the mother's mid month. I am very proud of mine and my kids! They are honor worthy every day of the year. Cabo has been in and out of trouble for the last few weeks. I felt he was having a good day a week ago or so and left him out of his crate while I ran the trail. He left me a living room nearly full of furniture stuffing upon my sweaty return. Thank you for that, Cabo! The four of us plus one attended Memorial Day weekend at the Jones Resort. Always a lot of fun. Boating, swimming in their lackluster 3 waterfall only pool, and seeing fine people we usually only see once a year made for some great memories. See picture.
On to training. While in the not so deep south, I donned my wetsuit and swam 1/2 mile upstream with Capt. Patrick and his first mate Missy watching my every stroke. There were lots of them. 30 minutes of fighting like a salmon! Much different than the MHS pool with it's pretty little black stripe on the bottom for measure and lack of a current. I finished that and hopped on the bike. Good experience to recall for tri day. I have been biking and running a bit. Good workout the other day. 10 miles to the Rappo's and back and a mile by foot on the trail. I didn't feel whipped at the end. I will keep that up for the next few weeks and try to find another swim venue at least once. I have had a few bikes and runs where my blood sugar has dropped. Not a pretty scene. Thankfully, there are coke cans and sports beans always within reach. Well, almost always, right Missy?? They will go in my saddle bag first thing.
Please please please join my in raising some money for the American Diabetes Association on JUNE 3rd, WEDNESDAY, AT MARGARITA'S IN MUHLENBERG FROM 5:00 - 7:30PM. I will be the "celebrity bartender" for the happy hour. All my tips from the shift will be donated to diabetes as a fundraiser for my Tri for Diabetes. I hope to see many many Big Tone Tri Army soldiers there so we can drink, be merry, laugh with friends and family, and do all that for a good cause.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Run to Inspire, Inspired to Run!

I kind of wish there were 8 days in a week since I put myself on a schedule to train into the event, 8 weeks from this weekend! Most days are days with double event routines. A lot of it is building up the run. 60 minutes of running the week or so before the event. 2 weeks before the event, Sunday's workout is 30 minutes of all three. But the secret to preparation is strength training. I do like lifting weights. We have a nice dumbell set that all four of us use in one way or another. Of course, Sports brought a few up to the living room over Christmas break and they are still there. The weather, too, is helping. I have been able to get some nice spring runs out and around the church. I appreciate all the Go Big Tone's (thank you Eric). My weakness is finding time to swim. I can get to the school at 6AM on a Monday and Wednesday but that has been rather challenging. I think that if I continue to double up the bike/run and swim when I can I'll be ok. Also, over Memorial Day weekend, I'll be taking my Aquaman getup to the Chester River for some boat supervised open water swimming. I can already hear the peanut gallery comments! I already got to try out the cold water, though. The Y pool was open a few weeks ago and Steve and Michele said I should give it a go. 55 degrees and no audience would give me a good experience. Well, I tried to do that on my own but luckily Michele hadn't left because she had the nightmarish chore of helping me zip my suit up!! Oh the things people do to help out Big Tone. Thank you for that!!
The Type I has not really gotten the best of me lately. I have been able to properly fuel on the day of a run which really helps. There were a few nocturnal hypo events which wipes me out in the morning. That is just one aspect of the diabetes that I cannot seem to master. Missy is always there to make sure I get what I need. What would I do without her.
Sports is home and so is Cabo. He will be here for the summer. I kind of like having him around. Oh, and her too! He will either learn a few things or make a few enemies in our house. The jury is still out. I plan on running a little energy out of him every day.
The weather says to all of you, get out and walk/run/bike/skate/or whatever makes you smile. And as always, Go Big Tone...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Fighting crime in cold waters everywhere

The weather is superb. Bean had a soccer game across town, I got in a few late day calls, and we were headed into a cookout with a gazillion calories so I said I would bike to the game. Well, Dr. John, the chiropractor, told me how to get to the game without much traffic and all the while give me the workout I need. I headed out past Missy's office and made the climbs. Yes, climbs. Across town where we live is 5 miles at best. To make a long post shorter, after plenty of up and downs, the 17 miles only got me at the game at the half and a few chuckles from Lisa Z. I rode home through the city and the round trip was 25. I was a bit tired at the end, I needed a pack of SportsBeans(I love that they make a Hypoglycemic rebound snack that is named for my two daughters!) in the middle and still my blood sugar dropped to 54 by the time I came back into the driveway. I need to do this type of workout more often. The sluggish feeling I had in my legs felt fantastic. We had a great cookout dinner and a fire and I reminded myself that I do love life. My parents took Missy and I to dinner to celebrate the end of my first semester last night and that only added to my riches. I have less than 90 days to the tri. I feel the pressure but with the support of family and friends their wave will get me to where I need to be. Thanks Lisa and Mackenzie for the Tuesday night Go Big Tone. I heard you through my heavy breathing!! Keep the Go Big Tone's coming. My inner Big Tone knows I need them...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Is Big Tone Faster than a 5th Grader?

The 1st Annual Dragonfly Heart Camp 5K is in the books. Kiki was the event organizer and she did an excellent job. These kids have all either had a heart transplant or heart surgery. They all cannot go out and do the same things completely healthy kids can do without risks. The Dragonfly Heart Camp is special because it allows them to go to a place with special medical staff to keep watch over them and help them experience summer camp all the while their parents are not under constant worry that couselors aren't aware of their special needs. My buddy, Ryan, will be going to a similar camp for Down Syndrome kids this summer. Anyway, it was 49 degrees and raining Saturday morning for the race start. The kind of weather you would expect people to watch through their bedroom windows in their pajamas. However, 76 people came out for this event that will help send kids to the camp at no charge! I ran along with Meg and Alex. We had a slow but steady pace. You know, all of Maryland is pretty flat, except these 3.1 miles!! The entire course was a rolling hill. Missy plied me with Mike and Ike's before the start and I finished strong. No problems with the blood sugar or my foot. I had a little ache in my legs for the remainder of the day because of the extra hills but they were gone by Sunday morning. Hardly a compromise to compare to what the three kids I'm pictured with live with everyday. I felt good about what everyone accomplished that morning. So, Go Kiki for putting your heart into a rainy morning event and Go Sara, Nicholas, and Darby. Enjoy the Dragonfly Camp this summer!
Also, as per Jackie's command, Go Big Tone get it done...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Role Model??

If you are wondering what I've been doing while not blogging it looks a lot like Pinot in the above photo. It seems as though my foot injury combined with a seemingly month long celebration of my 40th birthday have taken over my tri training. That, is a bad thing. I have a 5K this Saturday in Maryland. The cause is great. A little girl from Chestertown who has gone through a severe heart health ordeal. Kiki tried to organize a little fundraiser for her. We obliged. Of course, I didn't count on being way off any kind of game to compete. Oh well, I will start and finish like usual, way in the back.
Since my last post, I have started to get my open swim gear thanks to a generous donation from my parents. I hope to get to the lake and or some rivers sometime this month and next to be prepared for the choppy river waters on tri day. I did get out on Madonna a couple of weeks ago. I was waiting for Bean to finish practice and it was spectacular. I only did a 10 mile loop but I added a couple of small hills and I was outside which made me happy.
My class is coming to a rapid close. Finals in about 10 days. The end of the first class, especially Anatomy and Physiology, will be a nice accomplishment. I must get better at mixing everything together. I didn't plan on one thing taking away from another. For example, contributing to my poor running status is my poor eating habits on class night. Also, there was a weekend stretch where I realized I had gone about 3 days with 0 vegetables on my plate! Not a very Type I friendly way to run the body.
Appointment exercise is next. I fit a swim and a half hearted run in over a non-working lunch. The swim went well but the run did not. I feel like if I can smartly fuel my body and get some more time on the road with shoes and wheels, I can get back into a rhythm quickly. There is a deadline to all of this so I better.
Look for details of a American Diabetes Association fundraiser for the tri locally soon. Here's a hint, name the celebrity bartender...Go Big Tone.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

21:43/56:10/26:26 City Time

After about a week or so off to rest the foot and celebrate, I am back and focused on my goal. I saw Aquatic Director Mike today which means I have started my focus with the water. Seeing that river this past weekend again, is a bit scary to say the least. I have new goggles that have an anti-fog protectant on them. They work awesome! However, as great as they work, I have been thinking about seeing fish, cars, and possibly a guy who used to owe a guy money at the bottom of the river! Oh well, it will be part of the experience.
The title reflects the results by sport for the person who finished 50th in the 40-44 year old Male group in last year's tri. This morning, I swam that 900M in 22:11. Of course, that is in the pool and not where the fish swim. A 56:10 reflects a split on the bike for 15 miles of just over 15MPH. When I train inside, I average 20MPH for 12-14 miles. The 26:26 is faster than any of my Shiver times by about 3 minutes. So, the moral here is I am not in it to come in first, fiftieth, or even 75th but to finish strong and be called a triathlete. However, every guy has to have a goal. I will try and set marks over the next 3 months to see if I can get in under placing 50th in my age group. Go Big Tone.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

They Say the Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree.

The final Shiver went well. 50 degrees, 500 runners, a rather large Big Tone Tri Army present (MacKenzie was my first River Rd high five!), but no Don. He was nursing his dehydrated heel(anyone at bowling night will understand this diagnosis). I didn't see the old shirtless gloved man but that doesn't mean I beat him! I think I edged out the lacrosse team that ran as a group. Although, I think they really didn't care about the fact that there was a clock on the race.
I have had a good Type I factor the last couple of weeks. This Ralph adjustment has really made the difference. Waking up nearer to range is a nice thing. I've had only one low on the treadmill in a month. That's because it was on a day Missy made me count points(I blame everything on Missy, if you haven't noticed...). All the highs and lows and thinking about the day's fuel really are the baseline to the big day. My biggest concern is fueling for all three events back to back. I feel pretty confident. A few days prior with plenty of water, a bagel 2 hours before the gun, and a couple of bags of sports beans will lead me through the river loop, around the park and to the museum and back. I have to admit, the crowd at the corners of the shiver really keep me pumped. I hope there's a corner in the big city for all of them and more!
On a less athletic note, I will be celebrating my birthday this weekend. It's really just another day to me but there happens to be a societal hang up about it. Four decades ago, my mom (pictured at a high point above! Ha ha) unleashed me on the planet. I feel like Saturday is the one third point of my life. I've got so much to do, the triathlon among the things on my list. Besides the beer chugging lady pictured, Missy, my girls, silent Jim, the Northern Exposure, and a few more who know who you are, I want to make sure I have enough time to protect and support all of you and then some. I've done plenty for a living til now, the next two thirds of my life will be spent saving people as a super hero, a nurse, or whatever I can do. Plus, a lifetime isn't enough for me to love you all.
Look around for the chance to say, Go Big Tone.

Friday, March 6, 2009

When is 5 better than 10?

Injuries, excuses, lack of sticking to the plan, Marcy H, Don opening my window of failure, and most of all no real reason to get it done are all the reasons I will be running just the 5K this Sunday. I was hoping to do the loop twice but I think I can only muster enough for the one time. Still, it is supposed to be spectacular for Sunday at the "shiver". 60 degrees and cloudy. Perfect running conditions. I will be playing the part of an athlete Saturday night as well. While I was on my first outside run since the last shiver tonight I was thinking, "What do I have that the old shirtless gloved man doesn't have?" The only thing I could come up with was an extra 20lbs!!!That's ok, we cannot measure our intrinsic success by what others have or can do that we don't have or cannot do. We really should set personal goals for ourselves and work very hard to hit them. Even if it's to just get 3 out of 4 shivers completed in a season. Or maybe it's just to work out 5 out of 7 days for the next 4 weeks. Or maybe it's even simpler, like for every non rainy day for the next 3 months, park at the farthest spot from the door of your work building. Springtime is almost upon us so it is time to renew our zest for exercise. In whatever form it may come. Just set some goal and accomplish it.
March may have come in as a lion but it will be leaving in the form of the "No Excuse" part of my journey. Once Aimee can explain it to me, I will be setting a countdown to the Triathlon on June 27 on the site. It will start 90 days from the gun. I love the hype and pressure of this website. It fuels my fire to be able to tell someone that I completed my first triathlon. An old work friend just wrote that fact about herself to me and I got excited for my opportunity. Please keep the support coming. The hard part is just about upon us. For those of you who read but do not post comments(Lisa...), I understand. For those of you who do, I read every one of them. Sometimes more than once! Thanks. Especially now that the weather is breaking, don't forget, Go Big Tone!
**Marcy H, I poked fun at your sister on FB today so I wanted to even the family ribbing!! Ha ha

Friday, February 27, 2009

40 has to be a better age than a blood glucose level

I have been working very hard to follow the 10K training plan. When I get off the schedule, I have made sure to substitute and get back on. I had a good eating/drinking weekend last weekend but still managed some good workouts. 60 minute cross train including Madonna inside and treadmill. I felt great! I really love to get in that type of pseudo 2 sport work. I glided from the bike, to the treadmill, to the dinner party at Mark and Blythe's! Spicy cream of crab soup and champagne. Oh boy! Painting took up my day Sunday before the grand Ocscar's party Sunday night which brought more eating and drinking!! I got the 5 miler in on Monday before class(I picked up my 86 on the mid term!). Wednesday, I had some minor surgery which has slowed me down a bit. Rest day and a failed bike day. That's where the low blood sugar came in. Oh well, good treadmill workout today on a solid glucose. I happened to watch our First Runner in Chief address some marines in South Carolina. I did pause my workout to respect our country's national anthem! I also loved seeing the 100 or so marines get up in one motion for the anthem and be seated when their boss told them they could in one motion as well. Thank you to all our brave military personnel. Go them and go Big Tone.
Two asides for this week. Don is hurt and has not been able to keep with the "let's beat the old shirtless/white gloved man" in the 10K plan. He has a painful heel injury. I can understand. So with or without him, I will run. Maybe for the both of us. He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Speaking of brother, Lil Tone, you know I always have your back. Love you.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hey, That Guy Started at Mile 2.5!!! And he looks like Steve O!

Don and I are fully and one hundred percent committed to doing the 10K on March 8. He told me so the other day via email. I kept it so I have proof! We are even on a plan. 3 miles yesterday, 40 minute crosstraining, 3.5 miles, etc. He said he has has heel pain but I think he's just trying to make me feel good since after the last 5K he had to feed me Amstel Light, ibuprofen, and an ice pack. I'm glad he is definitely going to do the 10K in March. That will force me to focus on having a training schedule. Thanks, Don!
The cortisone shot Dr. Z gave me last week seems to have worked. I won't know for sure until I get a couple of outside runs in but I think the worst is behind me. I have another appointment with him next week for another possible treatment. Sometimes the cortisone can spike a Type I's blood sugar. I have had only one issue with that in the past but not this time. Come to think of it, this time I am wearing the pod and had no issues with blood sugar. Ralph must be on to something! Missy also has me counting points for a diet. It's not easy but results are imminent. A lighter leaner Big Tone can only be faster! Ha
Mid term tomorrow. Biggest exam I've ever taken. It's only Anatomy and Physiology!! Well, if you see a geeky looking fellow carrying a big back pack on the way to the Health Services Building across from the museum, don't laugh, just yell Go Big Tone.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Nice and Easy, Weezy.

With our second Shiver by the River behind us, Don has set a new goal. He wants to run the 10K and beat the old man wearing no shirt and white gloves. That is a hearty goal since my heel is now officially injured. I am taking a few days off of action completely. I also will be seeing a doctor to make sure he doesn't think it's in need of something other than rest. I can't afford too much time off. I already registered for the Tri and my parents want to scholarship me a wetsuit! Forging ahead seems to be the theme this week so I will get on that train!
Speaking of doctors, I did see Ralph for the first post pod check up today. All is well and he gave me a gold star. We needed to tweak a few numbers on the pod but he feels the diabetes is being smacked down by our efforts! That always makes me happy to hear. So, 10K is the goal for March (and beating the shirtless/gloved man), hop on the bike and in the water for some non-impact cardio, get sized up for a wetsuit, and try to stop the aging process. 3 out of 4 won't be too bad. Go Big Tone.
Special thanks again to the Army for their Sunday showing. Especially when my foot almost beat the rest of me, it helps tremendously.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Do you think Achilles liked the color blue?

I ran outside in the cold(Yes, Marcy H, ran!) on Tuesday. It wasn't the cold that got me. There was even some snow falling. I had a decent pace going and went 4 miles. By the end of the run, a little old heel pain starting to present itself. I have worn inserts for an old heel spur/ligament damage for almost a year with no pain. When I returned home and took off my running shoes, I saw why my foot hurt. The color of my inserts and the color of the inside of my running shoes are the same and I got dressed with no lights on! I didn't even realize there weren't any inserts in. The rest of the night and all the next day, especially the next morning, I was in 8-9 range pain. With my inserts in, a day of rest and a few doses of ibuprofen, I think I'm ok. I got back on the treadmill today for 30 minutes and did well. Those 36 hours made me nervous because I can't afford to be too injured to swim/bike/run. I will attempt an outdoor run tomorrow and give the Shiver a go this Sunday. We are expecting some springlike weather, near 50!
I have my first post-Omnipod checkup with Ralph next week. I'll be sure to post the results. I really expect my numbers to have moved in the right direction.
Missy told me I got my tri race shirt in the mail today. What do you think? I don't think I should wear it until I can be called a triathlete, though. Plus, Missy doesn't usually let me wear white shirts. Oh well, it'll be good for a 4th of July party. Go Big Tone.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ok Bean! It's A Date!! 6/27/09

After months of saying I'm going to do something, I now am hip deep in commitment. I have officially registered for the Philly Insurance Tri for Saturday, June 27, 2009. It's a sprint distance which means a 900M swim (up and then down stream in the Schuylkill River just upstream from Boathouse Row), a 24K bike (through Fairmount Park; America's largest city park system; 10 times the size of Central Park), and a 5K run (out and back really close to the Art Museum; cue Rocky Theme). I choose this tri for several reasons. First, because it is in a place that I have grown to love, the city of Philadelphia. Second, it is close to home so I might have a shot at a Big Tone Tri Army cheering section (Mom, I promise to give Dad directions and times). Third, it's not on Memorial Day weekend which means Bean will not be mad at me for missing the weekend at Camp Jones. Fourth, Dr. John and Ralph are running the next day! Whew! That means I have truly given myself to reaching my goal. I WILL be a triathlete sometime that Saturday morning! Also, don't forget that we will be raising money for diabetes. More on this important aspect of the tri as time marches on. For people who ask me, why do I want to do this. Why a triathlon? Swim in that river? Bike then run that far? My answer is simple. Look at the picture I've attached to this post. To be an example of perserverance and pride to them. To show them that if you set a goal, go ahead and reach it. Obstacles have ways around them. I will be one of a few thousand people who will be called triathletes that weekend. I will not finish first. Most people at the finish line won't even notice my finish. As long as they see it and believe it, I've accomplished what I set out to do. Love you girls.
Thanks Mom, Dad, and Aimee for the contiued stream of encouragement. Thanks to all my friends who read(and sometimes post) and ask me about updates. You will all help me cross the finish line. A hugemongous thank you to my Missy. You allow me to do everything I do. Happy birthday early...Go Big Tone.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Constant Nagging and Harrassing!!

First trip away from home on the pod. Mass produced food and a tight agenda usually don't mix well for my Type I. Boston for work for 3 days (including Missy and my 20th wedding anniversary), and I stayed very level and in range with my blood sugar. I didn't get to exercise since there was about a foot of snow on the ground. I tried to make up for it Friday with a nice outside run at home. Springlike 50 degree January weather was awesome. I opted out of a Saturday run to go to the city with Missy and my parents for some marketing. I love the city. We got some great food and got to stake out a potential Tri course for June. The river where the swim will be was icy and looked ominous as we passed along the expressway in the car. Missy was doing her best to find the Columbia Ave bridge around which I will have to make a loop but we didn't know it is a railroad bridge. I got excited and nervous at the same time. A goal to be realized for sure.
With that being said, I need to take the "mother-in-law defense" from my friend, Don, with more heart. I have found a 12 week plan for the tri that I think I can complete already. I must start scheduling a more strict plan of attack. So, Don, I will be out on the road with you going forward. Thanks.
And, thanks to Patrick for fixing the front door. Now I won't have to yell about fixing it anymore.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Just When You Thought It Was Safe to Go Back In the Water

After a long break due to schedules and when the pool is available, I jumped back in on Friday night. I got there a little early when the age group kids were finishing their practice and I got a few tips listening to their coaches. My mom thinks I should go to their practice and fake my age. I think they wouldn't take long to figure me out. I got in 40 laps and used my new finger lap counter. It worked very well. I even swam next to an old icon of our area. A former little league football coach who used to run us ragged. We all know him and if you are reading this you most likely had a hoagie from his shop in the eighties!! I did need a rescue from Michele Y. afterwards. She was in line at the concession stand for the boys hoop game and got me some swedish fish. I was a little low after the swim. Thanks for the help Michele.
Another big week for the Eagles. We even had dinner with Hank Baskett. Well, we had dinner in the same place as him and then he signed Bean! Go Eagles!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Icy Conditions Ahead

Today was the second Shiver By the River. The race was held without Big Tone and Don. It's a residential road course with some side streets that don't get the salt and plow attention that highways do. I drove it 90 minutes before race time to make a decision. I chatted with one of the organizers and she told me there was a lot of black ice and it seemed like an accident waiting to happen. Good enough for me! I bailed. Don was out already since KevBo was off to start his studies away from home (they grow up so fast!). My mom offered her mink earmuffs but I declined. So I picked up some Wawa coffee for Missy and me and headed to the basement. A bagel and raspberry jelly for fuel first. Missy was on the treadmill and I got on Madonna. We switched, so to speak. That is, I finished on the bike and got on the treadmill and Missy finished on the treadmill and went upstairs to watch the recorded Grey's with the Bean! Ha ha. Good for her to walk on a big eating/drinking Eagles football Sunday. Go Birds...
Wiggles left for school this weekend and took my new furry buddy, Cabo, with her. She seemed a lot stronger with that knee. I am so proud of her. Life doesn't get neatly packaged in easy strings of time or place. This was a good reaction to a not so convenient situation. Study hard, honey.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

6 in One, Only About 3 in the Other

Those last two weeks of basement tri workouts I have been doing have made me feel good but that treadmill has done me in! I went outside for a run this morning for the first time in about 10 days and I felt unprepared. I started out with too quick of a pace (just trying to keep up with our new runner-in-chief's 8:40 pace. Although that reported split is on a treadmill...). I was on the church loop and the end of mile 1 hill did me in. I turned it into a 3K and headed for home! Not only does that make me feel like I didn't get in the best possible workout but also my head will not rest about it until I complete a solid 5K outside. Most of it is the treadmill but I know I could do a better job at hydrating, eating right, and pre run stretching. Those are the things that will keep me off the injured reserve list. Well, the 2nd Shiver is this Sunday. My saving grace is that I can count on the Big Tone Tri Army cheering section and my friend Don might very well have to carry me to the finish! No land speed records. Remember, if you're out there, you're a winner.
I added school to our routine yesterday. That involves me finding more training time in other spots in the day. It also requires help from others. Missy and my mom have already started picking up my slack. Thanks for that. Another element like class will add challenges to the Type I factor, too. I had licorice in my school bag and I made sure to pound a plate of leftovers before I left. I keep reminding myself I am not the first person to have Type I, go back to school part time, train for a triathlon and continue all the wonderful things in my life all at the same time. Go Big Tone!